Üle €100 tellimus = Tasuta tarne

Üle €100 tellimus = Tasuta tarne

Privacy policy

Hambake OÜ (further on iSmile.ee) has taken the responsibility to protect its customers and users privacy. Based on those principles we have compiled this privacy policy which describe collection of data, usage, publishing, forwarding and storing. Our activity online is in compliance with all the relevant activities, laws and regulations stated by the European Union and Estonia. Find a bit of time and review them!

Collection and usage of personal details Personal details is the data which can be associated directly or indirectly with You. These are the details that iSmile.ee collects and processes to fulfill the contract agreed with an individual or to contact them and to fulfill obligations defined by law and regulations. Personal details may be collected in the following ways:

  • contact details (incl. your name, ID code, postal address, phone number, e-mail address, preferred contact method) entered into our website;
  • by using the website from your account info or by cookies
  • by purchasing or completing an order and filling out your contact details or purchase preferences on our website.  iSmile.ee may ask at certain areas on the website for you to voluntarily provide personal details and information. Those details may include name, address, postal code, e-mail, phone number and other details.

Collecting other details We also collect “indirect” details – data which cannot be directly associated with any individual (sex, age, language preference, location etc).

We may also collect details about the activity of visitors on our website. These details will be combined and used for the purposes of being able to provide customers with more useful information and to understand which parts of the website, products and services are most interesting for our users. 

Collected personal details usage and storing

Collected personal details help us advise iSmile.ee customers of product news, campaigns and upcoming events. If a customer does not wish to receive our newsletters or to receive other types of notifications can remove themselves from the recipients list at all times.

We also use the collected personal details to deliver products and to fulfill our obligations towards the customer. By accepting our privacy policy the customer agrees and approves iSmile.ee to automatically process all details and data.  The customer can always revoke this approval via our website or by sending an e-mail. The request will have no effect on the historical activities. In order to offer the best service iSmile.ee can disclose information about individual customers to third parties who provide iSmile.ee with a service and have contractually agreed to keep the information confidential. Example of a third party is a partner who provides the delivery service for our products or an advertising agency like Google. iSmile.ee e-shop is the responsible processor of personal details, in order to process payments we forward the relevant personal details to approved payment merchant Maksekeskus AS. Customers personal details and data will be stored by iSmile.ee until the customer expresses the wish for the personal details and data to be removed. Personal details and data which iSmile.ee needs to store due to regulation or laws (for example accounting and financial data), will be stored for the duration that is described in the relevant law or regulation. Personal details and data protection iSmile.ee applies all required and relevant methods (incl. administrative, technical and physical methods) in order to protect the clients personal details and data. Access to process and change the details and data is only given to authorized persons.

Kui kahtlustad, et Sinu isikuandmetega on toimitud vastupidiselt käesolevas privaatsuspoliitikas kirjeldatule või on oht, et Sinu andmed on lekkinud võõrastele isikutele, anna meile sellest koheselt teada. Ainult nii saame hoida potentsiaalse kahju võimalikult väikesena.

Kliendil on õigus nõuda oma andmete töötlemise lõpetamist, teavet andmete kasutamise kohta ning andmete edastamist endale või kolmandale isikule üldkasutatavas vormingus. Vältimaks kliendi andmete ja õiguste väärkasutust on taotlusi lubatud esitada üksnes vormis, kus taotleja isik on tuvastatav (digitaalselt allkirjastatud). Meil on õigus sellistele taotlustele vastata 30 päeva jooksul. 

Kõik ismile.ee e-poe külastamise ja ostude sooritamise käigus teatavaks saanud kliendi isikuandmeid käsitletakse, kui konfidentsiaalset infot. Krüpteeritud andmesidekanal pankadega tagab ostu sooritaja isikuandmete ja pangarekvisiitide turvalisuse. E-pood kasutab teenuste pakkumiseks Woocommerce e-kommerts platvormi.

Privaatsuspoliitika tingimused ja muudatused
Meie veebisaiti kasutama asudes oled käesolevate põhimõtete ja tingimustega tutvunud ning nendega nõustunud. Jätame endale õiguse vajadusel privaatsuspoliitika üldtingimusi muuta, teavitades sellest kõiki kliente, kuid anname oma parima, et hoida meie privaatsuspoliitika ajakohase ja Sinule kättesaadavana meie kodulehel.

Kõigi privaatsuspoliitika või andmetöötluse kohta tekkivate küsimuste või muredega palume võtta ühendust aadressil info@ismile.ee

Sul on alati õigus pöörduda oma andmete kaitsmiseks Andmekaitse Inspektsiooni poole. Andmekaitse Inspektsiooni näol on tegemist riikliku asutusega, mille poole on võimalik pöörduda ka isikuandmete kaitse teemadel konsultatsiooni või abi saamiseks.

Üle €100 tellimus = Tasuta tarne
